Self Help


The following information has been created to give you guidance on how you can speed up your access to sexual health services and treatments with suggestions of alternative options you can access for specific issues or conditions.



1.Think you might be pregnant?

You can buy a home pregnancy testing kit which will give an accurate result after three weeks following unprotected sexual intercourse. If you wish to continue with the pregnancy, please contact your local hospital’s ante-natal department to book in. If you do not wish to continue the pregnancy, please contact the British Pregnancy Advisory Service on 03457 30 40 30 to book an appointment. All this information can be found by following this link:


2. Asymptomatic (no symptoms) Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

If you live in Sefton and would like a check-up you can order a self-testing kit to be sent to your home by following this link:

Additional information on STIs can be found here:


3. Pain when passing urine (no other symptoms)

If you have not had unprotected sex in the last 4 weeks but experience pain or discomfort when going to the toilet we recommend you contact your GP.


4. Think you have developed thrush (candida) or bacterial vaginosis (BV)?

If you have not had unprotected sex in the last 4 weeks but have noticed a new discharge it may be Thrush or BV. The treatments for both of these conditions can be bought over the counter at your local pharmacy.

For additional information on symptoms and treatments please follow these links:




5. Condoms

Condoms can be purchased form your local pharmacy/retailers.

If you are a Sefton resident you can also order free condoms to be posted to your home.


7. Forgot your pill?

This tool can help you better understand what to do if you forget to take your combined or progestogen-only pill on time It is based on guidance from the (FSRH) Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health