PEP (Post-exposure prophylaxis)


PEP (Post-exposure prophylaxis)

Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)may stop you developing an HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infection if you’ve exposed to the virus. A course of tablets are taken to reduce the risk of catching HIV within 72 hours of coming in contact with the virus. It should be started as soon as possible after contact as it will be more effective. The tablets are taken for a period of 4 weeks. As it is not guaranteed to work, it is advisable to have protected sex (condoms) as this is more effective at preventing HIV transmission and also reduces the risk of contracting other STIs.

Sexual Health clinics and Accident & Emergency can provide PEP.
PEP is not available from your GP or at any pharmacies.
PEP is available in Sefton from Sefton Sexual Health in St Hugh’s, Bootle and Southport Centre for Health & Wellbeing. Ring Sefton Sexual Health               on 01695 656550 to arrange a consultation. If we are not open, please visit your nearest A&E Department.

For more information please visit The Terrence Higgins Trust


Support for people living with HIV

Merseyside Sahir House
Lancashire Renaissance